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By: Tara Singh

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Have a stress free experiance
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What is it?

“Japanese for the Stressed Student” is an organized and efficient method of learning Japanese targeted towards making a student's experience easier and faster. With exams, homework and increased levels of stress it is hard for teenagers to have any other academic interests apart from those in school. This textbook has special features that are adapted with the acknowledgement of the challenges students face, and strives to make learning an uncomplicated ordeal. With a simpler syllabus, allocated units, and easy-to-understand lessons students can develop an understanding of Japanese culture and become intermediate in the language while simultaneously dealing with the obstacles of school !


This textbook includes the following features that keep learning stress-free:

  • A customizable tracker that allows students to keep tabs on their progress and make goals

  • An easy to follow organizational structure

  • Exercises for every lesson that are leveled hard to medium

  • Characters to interact and make conversation with on paper

  • Notes about the Japanese culture 


Every lesson and unit is made so that learning is organized and undemanding so as to make learning fast, fun and stress free. You will be able to multitask and develop your skills without having to worry about falling behind in school!

Whats Inside?

A small introduction

Organized units and lessons

Interactive Characters

Click on the images for a more in-depth view!

My Books
What do you think?

"I think its a really innovative idea. I like that its so organized, its needed and necessary".

Mitra Gokulnath

High-school student, aged 15

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